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There are times when your life can feel like a wild storm of change...

For some of us, it begins as our bodies are moving through perimenopause or menopause, and we are forced to adjust to hormonal changes that shift our energy levels, sleep patterns, bodily norms, sexual desires and so much more.

Others may face an unexpected health crisis or the ending or shifting of  a treasured relationship . . . and the path forward may feel quite uncertain or scary.

Many working women at some point find that their career may suddenly feel quite hollow without sufficient meaning . . . or that the path they have walked thus far in life may no longer feel fully aligned.

Midlife women with kids often struggle to tend to their many needs while also reclaiming their own identity . . . or alternatively are adjusting to the reality of an “empty nest.”

Butterfly and Chrysalis
Divine Feminine Woman amid Flowers

If one or more of these scenarios sounds familiar . . . then you may be finding that these shifts leave you feeling somewhat destabilized and questioning who you are amidst it all.

And all these “outer changes” are often accompanied by so many deep emotions . . . especially grief and fear.

If this is your reality,  you may be longing for a space of unconditional love and acceptance . . . as well as guidance for how to best move forward.

Perhaps I can be of service.

And at the same time . . . what if this phase of upheaval is also a chrysalis, inviting you into deeper transformation?

You can consciously embrace this confusion and frustration as fertile ground for rebirth…. allowing a mature radiance to emerge, more aligned than ever before.

With the right support, you can shift from feeling somewhat adrift to walking the path of your own radiant becoming.

This is your time to emerge!

A Bit of My Story

I lead an extremely blessed life up until my late 40s. But then in midlife… I was forced to go through a deep rebirth process.

In my younger years, life was very good to me. I had the privilege of a Stanford education, married the man of my dreams, co-founded a successful personal-growth company, had the opportunity to teach alongside many of today’s most evolved wisdom, birthed 2 adorable daughters late in life, had 2 beautiful homes, and was surrounded by an inspiring community with many close friends. My life was an incredible blessing, and I am so grateful.

But then in my late 40s, I was thrown a number of curve balls, and my life journey became extremely disorienting and painful. I found myself without a job, my marriage hit some major bumps while still navigating with 2 young kids, I was going through menopause and sleep was rough, I had a frightening medical scare, finances became constrained… and things felt challenging on so many levels.

There were days when I could barely get out of bed because I felt so distraught, and didn't know quite how I'd make it through. It was a long hard journey, and I needed a lot of support along the way.

I am now feeling so blessed to have emerged on the other side. I have grown by leaps and bounds, and I am pursuing exciting new visions and dreams. I’ve entered a whole new world of possibilities!

And so… I now want to support other women to do the same and navigate these choppy midlife waters with as much grace and ease as possible.

Having the right support can make all the difference and is the gateway to an extraordinary life!

Divine Feminine Woman amid Flowers
The Midlife Chrysalis Process

The Midlife Chrysalis offers a loving container designed to support women through the profound and often challenging transitions of midlife. Rooted in ancient wisdom and modern healing modalities, the Midlife Chrysalis offers a sacred healing space where you can process physical, emotional, and spiritual changes while rediscovering your inner strength and wholeness.

Whether you're navigating hormonal shifts, seeking to heal past traumas, or redefining your purpose, this journey will guide you toward greater balance, empowerment, and renewal in your second half of life.

As a result of working together, you will experience healing and renewal on multiple levels. You will have the loving support you need to shift from feeling lackluster … to having a renewed sense of joy and optimism about the path ahead. You will also learn tools to reconnect you to your feminine radiance, so you can magnetize aligned people & opportunities and create a life that you truly love!

The 3 Central Pillars

• Psycho-Spiritual Practice for Deepening & Healing
Drawing from Sacred Feminine wisdom and archetypal exploration, this pillar guides women through midlife’s inner soul work. Using meditation, visualization, and spiritual surrender, women release old identities and step into empowering roles like the Wise Woman or Queen. Personalized ceremonies and rites of passage honor this sacred transition, embracing midlife as a period of spiritual growth.

• Somatic Therapies for Embodied Transformation
This pillar combines the Hakomi Method and sound healing tools to address emotions and trauma stored in the body. Through mindful awareness, sonic therapy, and body inquiry, women release trauma, soothe their nervous systems, and gracefully navigate midlife’s physical and emotional changes.

• Creative Expression for Integration & Growth
Creative outlets like writing, art, and movement help women express and integrate midlife’s changes. These practices allow for emotional release, growth celebration, and embodying new roles.

Imagine waking up each day feeling that the heavy weight has been lifted from your chest… and that you have a renewed sense of joy & possibility. Imagine coming out of isolation and instead feeling connected to those around you, knowing that your life is a beautiful contribution. With the right support, this year can be your best year yet!

Working Together May Be a Fit for You If:

• You feel like you’re at a crossroads in life and are seeking deeper clarity and purpose.

• You’re navigating the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of midlife and desire support.

• You’re open to transformative practices that blend ancient wisdom, spirituality, and personal empowerment.

• You sense there’s more to your life’s calling and are ready to step into greater leadership and radiance.

• You are ready to release outdated roles, beliefs, or patterns that no longer serve you.

• You want to deepen your connection with your intuition and inner wisdom.

• You are committed to embracing your authentic self and are curious about what’s possible in this next phase.

This process offers a profound chance to step into your feminine fullness at this more mature stage of life. With the right guidance, you can move from feeling a bit lost … to blossoming and thriving in your next chapter.

Are you ready to move through the pain & design a beautiful life?

My Formal BIO

Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who supports people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential.

Through her private practice, Devaa offers a space for the “Inner” soul transformation and shamanic healing, as well as the “outer” work of strategy and worldly manifestation. As a result, Devaa’s clients are able to reconnect with their soul essence, make a meaningful contribution, and live a life they LOVE.

Devaa is trained as a priestess and Focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage, dedicated to the Sacred Feminine. She is also an ordained interfaith minister, certified Spiritual Director, and certified Professional Life Coach. She is also completing her certification as a Psilocybin Guide and works with clients on psychedelic integration.

Devaa is also the Co-Founder of the Shift Network, where she helped launch the company and build its culture, contributed to the design and structure of many core offerings, and set-up Shift’s social change initiatives and philanthropic activities. She also founded Shift’s Inspiring Women with Soul series, which has served over 130,000 women from more than 160 countries.

Devaa earned both her BA and MA from Stanford University. She received her doctorate in Ministry from Wisdom University (now Ubiquity University) and was ordained at the Chaplaincy Institute for Arts and Interfaith Ministries. Devaa was also awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for her ecological anthropology work in the Brazilian Amazon.

Earlier in her career, Devaa was a Management Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group where she consulted with Fortune 500 Companies. She later worked as the founding Executive Director of the Full Circle Fund, a thriving venture philanthropy group, followed by a senior Director role at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She is also a member of the prestigious Evolutionary Leaders group.

Her pro-bono service projects include formerly serving as Founding Director of the Madrone Grove forest school program. She also served as Music Director at the San Quentin Prison’s Parallel Play Project for several years. Her international service projects include training local staff to utilize arts-based techniques for transforming violence in Angola, facilitating a program for staff at an HIV orphanage in Ethiopia, & distributing water filters in India.

In her spare time, Devaa loves to share music, and her songs fuse East and West with danceable grooves. Her most recent album, Rebirth, reached #1 on Amazon in New Age. She is the proud mother of two young daughters. Her daughters, along with her husband, Stephen Dinan, are her greatest loves and biggest teachers.